Study Period start & Sejiki! October 25th

Bring a lunch!
The Study Period begins with a One Day Sitting on Saturday 25 October at 6:00am.
There will be two periods of zazen 6:00am and 6:50am,
10 minutes of Kinhin
then chanting service,
formal breakfast,
followed by 9:25am zazen,
10:15am Dharma talks and then the Sejiki Ceremony. 
We will then move to a silent, brown bag lunch,
an afternoon sitting (zazen),
finishing with chanting mid-afternoon.
After all of the above we will move to this schedule (click here)
We hope that you will join us for any or as much of this Study period schedule as you can and if you wish to formally sign up (so we plan your attendance) for meals and Teas for the study period, see the instruction here. This schedule will end around 2pm.