23 April annual meeting

member annual meeting

On Saturday April 23rd after the morning schedule, we will meet with the full membership of hszc to have our annual meeting for the year 2021. Please all members and to be members join us.


HSZC is usually open for expanding the membership of its Board of Directors, and seeking board members both inside outside of our immediate ‘temple family.’

HSZC is an active, intimate temple with 5 full time residents, 2 resident priests among the 5 and morning and evening zazen and service opportunities.

On agenda as usual will be fundraising, the care of the building and the post pandemic life/schedule and future for issan-ji temple/hszc.

We are as always in need of financial but also operational effort resources to continue to both exist but to also continue to be a beacon and support of the LGBTQIAA+ community. This is one of the few temples in existence born of our community and still largely serving and funded by the queer community and its allies; and to offer more offerings and have a future it can use your support and presence.

Please join us for this meeting! A zoom link will post here to click on soon to join us online.