Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 9/12 – Rev. Daigan Gaither ~9:45am

Daigan began Buddhist practice in 1995 as a Vipassana practitioner, and began to study Zen in 2003 with Ryushin Paul Haller. He received Lay Ordination in 2006 and Priest Ordination in 2011 and lived at San Francisco Zen Center properties a number of years.

His work and practice include many hours devoted to community service as one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (since 1995) and a volunteer caregiver with Zen Hospice Project (since 2003). He has spoken nationwide on sex, sexuality, queer identity, and gender and has sat on a number of boards of community organizations serving marginalized communities. He has lectured at colleges as well as conferences and is featured in Sex, Sin and Zen by Brad Warner.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 8/22 – Rev. Fugan, Eugene Bush

Fugan, Eugene Bush, D.D., began formal Zen practice in 1982, was ordained as a priest in 2005 and received Dharma Transmission from Katherine Thanas in 2010. Gene currently serves as the Support Net Leader of Santa Cruz Zen Center.

He also teaches the traditional practice of sewing Buddha’s Robe (rakusu and okesa). His paid work was as a teacher in a public alternative high school in Santa Cruz. He is most interested in the ways in which formal practice trains us for everyday life. Please join us for a talk by Fugan this upcoming Saturday!

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 8/8 – Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt ~9:45am

Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt is a Dharma Heir of the late Rev. Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Born into a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she began her meditation practice in the Insight tradition of Spirit Rock.

She is a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998. Her Soto Zen training began at Tassajara monastery where she lived from 2002-2005, after which she practiced monastically in Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. Based at San Francisco Zen Center, Liên also teaches at East Bay Meditation Center and other Bay Area groups.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 7/18 – Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and frequent consultant to mental health and recovery programs, as well as group facilitator for our Issan-ji Sangha (community of practitioners). We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow at 9:45. Everyone is welcome!

We will then follow with a short break and go into Sangha Council to discuss temple activities, status and the community at large.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. The link is:

A Message from the Head Priest of Sotoshu in 2020

“Every single person, without exception, is a vessel of the Way.”

These are the words of Keizan Zenji. Originally, we are essentially an irreplaceable existence. Therefore, each and every person can live a brilliant life.

In the meantime, various social imbalances bring forth many forms of anxiety and we live our lives while suffering. We receive hardship and pain generated by the high frequency of natural disasters, and consequently we contemplate our sufferings and sorrows.
Our way of life is being questioned as we look toward a world of leaving no one behind…

Click here to read the full statement

I take refuge in Shakyamuni Buddha
I take refuge in Koso Joyo Daishi Dogen Zenji
I take refuge in Taiso Josai Daishi Keizan Zenji

April 1, 2020

Fukuyama Taiho
Head Priest of the Sotoshu