Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 6/6 – Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt ~9:45am

Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt is a Dharma Heir of the late Rev. Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Born into a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she began her meditation practice in the Insight tradition of Spirit Rock.

She is a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998. Her Soto Zen training began at Tassajara monastery where she lived from 2002-2005, after which she practiced monastically in Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. Based at San Francisco Zen Center, Liên also teaches at East Bay Meditation Center and other Bay Area groups.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 5/30 – Rev. Ryuei Michael McCormick ~9:45am

Please join us this Saturday morning for a Dharma talk by Rev. Ryuei, Michael McCormick, who was ordained in the Nichiren-shū in 2001 by Rev. Ryusho Matsuda, of the San Jose Nichiren Temple.

Rev. McCormick is also a long-time practitioner of zazen (seated meditation) and a student of the writings of Dōgen-zenji.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 5/23 – Rev. Daigan Gaither ~9:45am

Daigan began Buddhist practice in 1995 as a Vipassana practitioner, and began to study Zen in 2003 with Ryushin Paul Haller. He received Lay Ordination in 2006 and Priest Ordination in 2011 and lived at San Francisco Zen Center properties a number of years. His work and practice include many hours devoted to community service as one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (since 1995) and a volunteer caregiver with Zen Hospice Project (since 2003). He has spoken nationwide on sex, sexuality, queer identity, and gender and has sat on a number of boards of community organizations serving marginalized communities. He has lectured at colleges as well as conferences and is featured in Sex, Sin and Zen by Brad Warner.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 5/16 – Rev. Renshin Bunce ~9:45am


Renshin Bunce was a resident of SF Zen Center from 2001 to 2008, first for three years at Tassajara and then for four more years at City Center. She is an author of the book Entering the Monastery.

She is also known for her photographs, and her page at has been called “The Zen Center Yearbook.”

Ren made jukai with Myogen Steve Stücky in 1996, when he gave her the name Renshin Jiko (Lotus Heart/Mind, Boundless Compassion); was priest ordained with Zenkei Blanche Hartman in 2003; was Shuso with Myogen-roshi at Tassajara in 2008; and received Dharma Transmission from him in 2013. She lives on the Peninsula, where she works as a hospice chaplain.

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. Zazen begins at 9:25 a.m. followed by the Dharma talk. The link is:

Letter from Rev. Abbot Myō and Rev. Tanzen David Bullock

Kanzeon with Dolphin by Mayumi Oda

Dear Sangha-Friend,

We hope that this letter finds you safe and well in these difficult times.

May the Dharma be a support and comfort to you in facing the challenges that we now confront together.  Unlike crises in the past, when we could come together, warm hand to warm hand, and tend to our sick, now we must somehow care for each other while remaining physically apart. Throughout these painful days, we hold you in our prayers for well-being.

And necessity moves us humbly to ask that, if you are able, please consider making a donation in support of the Hartford Street Zen Center. We are offering Dharma activities online for the time being. While we are also looking forward to opening the temple once again as a place of meeting with warm hands and warm hearts, remember that we are always joined together in the Buddha Way.  Thank you!


Rev. Abbot Myo Lahey, Rev. Daiko Tanzen, David Bullock

Sangha Programs

We are fully back!

  • Saturday Sangha – Arrive at the temple or join via Zoom by 9:30am for 40 minutes of zazen (you can log into the meeting starting at 9am to socialize), followed by a Dharma talk at 10:30am, with tea and refreshments afterward in the garden. Please click here to be routed to our Zoom gathering.

    If you wish to have posture and meditation hall instructions – Saturday before 9am – please email to arrange an instructor.

  • Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Morning Zazen & Service – In-person zazen begins for vaccinated individuals at 6:30am and ends at 7:10am, followed by a brief chanting service.

  • Thursday Study Hour – Our ongoing study of the Shōbōgenzō continues 7:30pm – 8:30pm in person or via Zoom. You may send an email to if you wish to be added to Rev. Myō’s weekly study hour email list and receive the Zoom details.

  • Wednesday & Friday Evening Zazen 6pm – 6:40pm Join us for a period of zazen and a brief chanting service. You can also still join via Zoom conferencing  – Please click here to sit with us online. Meeting details:

Meeting ID: 918 8535 8969
Passcode: 5PZ5js

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 4/11 – Rev. Sozan, Michael McCord

Sozan Michael McCord has lived and worked at San Francisco Zen Center since 2009, and served as Ino (Head of Meditation Hall) and Tenzo (Head Cook) at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He was ordained as a Zen priest by Ryushin Paul Haller in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki in 2014.

Michael holds a BA in Theology from Ambassador University and worked as a volunteer for their non-profit Ambassador Foundation in Amman, Jordan, doing vocational training for mentally challenged individuals. He had careers in the technology and financial sectors before coming to Zen practice. He was Program Director of SFZC from 2016 to 2019 and is currently the Director of SFZC, City Center/Beginner’s Mind Temple.

Saturday mornings we offer a Zoom web conferencing for video and/or audio presence for the scheduled events. 9:25 zazen (you can log into the conference starting at 9am) and a Dharma talk at 9:45am, followed by Q&A as well as an opportunity to check in and see how you are doing. – Please send an email request to to obtain the password.

*UPDATED* Offerings during the pandemic

Greetings from Issan-ji Sōtō Zen Temple. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and in good health during this difficult time. Practice is ongoing with Hartford Street Zen Center‘s residential students and we encourage you to continue your practice at home. We invite you, the Sangha, to connect through online technology, creating a safe temple space without physical borders.

There are currently three online options:

•            Saturday mornings we offer a Zoom web conferencing for video and/or audio presence for the scheduled events. 9:25 zazen (you can log into the conference starting at 9am) and a Dharma talk at 9:45am, followed by Q&A as well as an opportunity to check in and see how you are doing. – Please send an email request to to obtain the password.

•            Thursdays we will reconvene our Study Hour offering 7:30pm – 8:30pm via Zoom conferencing for video and/or audio access – Send an email to to be added to Rev. Myō’s weekly study hour email list and to receive Zoom conference details

•            Wednesday evenings  6pm – 6:40pm as of April 8th, you can also join us online for a period of zazen hosted outside the temple by a community member via Zoom conferencing   –

We also would like to encourage you continue to visit us at and our Facebook page as we adjust our offerings during these trying times.

From our Abbot, Rev. Myō – These painful circumstances have created a kind of retreat space for us, which we can use in a helpful way. Remember that ‘staying close to home’ has meaning for us beyond the literal, and that the ancient meditation instruction  “follow the stream to the source” is accomplished in an instant, whether one considers oneself ‘beginner’ or ‘advanced’.

Establish some structure for your time, including some Dharma practice and study, gentle exercise, cleaning, and plenty of rest. Try not to brood, and try to avoid such habits as nervous snacking on high-calorie foods. Remember that taking care of yourself is a gateway to caring for others as well. One can demonstrate this by the practice of mettă meditation, among other ways. –