12 July @ 7:30pm – Sangha Council


We’ve formed council with the intention and hope of building a forum to continue to talk of and discuss with each other – and with the sangha at large – for operations concerns, issues, questions and conflicts which have been challenging – or downright hard  to talk about.  We’ll use a practice model of working with each other with the most skillful speech we can access. This is a great opportunity also for those who haven’t been around lately to reengage and be a part of the present and future Hartford Street!

You do not need to have an ‘issue’ or overt concern to attend.  Council is sangha building and healing.  All are welcome!

2 July @10:15am – Guest Speaker, Ko Shin Steven Tierney

Please join us for a Dharma talk Next Saturday by Ko Shin Steven Tierney, Ed.D. CAS who is Professor of Counseling Psychology and Untitled-22221Chair of the Community Mental Health Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. A certified addiction specialist, he is the Co- Founder of the San Francisco Mindfulness Foundation, providing relapse prevention and mindfulness- based services to individuals and families. Steven has been studying and practicing Buddhism for more than 20 years and was ordained by Michael Wenger on January 6, 2013. Steven’s commitment is to a community based Buddhism and he has spent the last ten years extending Buddha’s teachings to those living with addictions, in recovery and those facing serious health and mental health challenges.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation), morning service, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30 am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a Dharma talk at 10:15 am and then socializing,  tea and cookies.

SF’s LGBTQQI pride!

Please join us Saturday for our usual schedule to share support of the community with your sangha and then take part in the festivities!  

If you’d like to march in the parade, SFZC’s Queer Dharma and other SFZC family is marching, and you can join them!Capture

Sunday June 26th.  Please join !

If you’d like to meet directly at the Parade, please find our location and position # below:
    Parade position: 37
    Block J: Spear Street between Market and Mission
    Vehicles need to be in place by 9:00am,
    Marchers in place by 10:00am
After the parade at SFZC, Jisan Tova Green and  Larry Yang, one of the Community Grand Marshal’s of this years parade. will be leading an hour of meditation in the SFZC Buddha Hall at 4:30pm and all are welcome! 

SFZC Queer Dharma Team


Have a safe & joy filled pride

Please enjoy a safe and joy filled SF Pride festivities, keeping in mind and heart the advancements we have made and still the challenges we have today and in the future

sf pride 2016

And as always feel invited to join us to spend some of that pride time, quietly with the Hartford street ZC community whether you live nearby or are in town for the festivities.

Jun 18 – Half day sitting & Orlando memorial service.

Please join us this coming Full Moon12 Saturday for a quiet morning of Dharma practice with the Hartford Street community. There will be periods of both walking and sitting meditation beginning at 6:00 a.m., with a Dharma talk by the Abbot at 10:15 a.m. as usual.

Following the talk we’ll have a simple memorial service for those injured or killed in the massacre at Orlando, Florida. Practicing together in this way is one powerful fashion of responding to the currents of greed, hatred and confusion which are at the root of human-caused tragedies such as we have seen this week, as on so many other occasions.

NOTE: A simple breakfast will be served, but you’ll need to sign up in advance if you wish to have breakfast. You may leave us a message at 415-863-2507 to sign up, but also please leave a return phone number.

May all beings be happy, may they be joyous and live in safety…

27 February @10:15am Guest Speaker – Shokan, Jordan Thorn

Please come and join us this Saturday for a Dharma talk by Shokan Jordan Thorn.

Buddha-709119-300x225Jordan has been at SF Zen Center for 30 years. Ordained by Richard Baker in 1977, later received Dharma Transmission from Zoketsu Norman Fischer. He lives at SFZC’s City Center. He came to SF Zen center as a result of the beat poetry movement that was of interest to  several Zen students in it’s early years and he even played in a rock band  briefly with a famed beat poet that lead to his connect to Zen. He has lived at all three SFZC practice centers, has served in a variety of roles on senior staff and as an officer, and was shuso at Tassajara. Recently he served as City Center Tanto (Head of Practice) and became SF Zen Center’s Treasurer/CFO in September 2011 and he is the teacher of a few of the HSZC Sangha.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation), morning service, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a dharma talk at 10:15am for < 60minutes, followed by ceremony when applicable and then right to social time, tea and cookies.

Please join us!

20 February full moon ceremony & half day retreat

Please join us for a half day retreat/schedule including Oryoki breakfast if you let us know in advance (sign up). this event will go from 6am until a bit after 12, noon. included in the schedule is the monthly full moon ceremony.

The full snow moon. usually the heaviest snows fall in February. hunting becomes very difficult, and hence to some Native American tribes this was the Hunger Moon.


The Full Moon Ceremony  is our renewal of our Bodhisattva vows and will occur  this upcoming Saturday morning after the Saturday Morning Dharma talk.

The ceremony takes about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous. All are welcome to join in this ceremony/celebration.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation), morning service, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a dharma talk at 10:15am for < 60minutes, followed by ceremony when applicable and then right to social time, tea and cookies.

Please join us!

Opening for Zen Students (Resident Students)

The Hartford Street Zen Center presently has availability for two practice resident students.  We are looking for individuals interested in and committed to experiencing residential practice at a small, urban temple.  Ideally applicants would have prior experience with  full-time residential Buddhist community practice. Attendance to zazen, study group, ceremonies and teachings/lessons  and should be of strong interest. While participation and assistance in the daily events of the sangha are expected of any potential practice resident, it is our expectation that most residents are employed outside of the center (you must be able to pay your monthly tuition), we are accommodating toward one’s professional schedule balanced with the need of assistance in keep up temple operations on required attendance arrangements. If you’re interested but we don’t know you, please make sure to join us for practice as a first step.