Guest Speaker, Sat. 23 Mar.: Rev. Cynthia Kear

xc1575Please join us this Saturday morning for a Dharma talk by Rev. Ryotan Cynthia Kear. 

Cynthia  received Jukai from SFZC prior Abbot Paul Haller in 2004. In 2008 she was given Shukke Tokudo (priest ordination) by Darlene Cohen, her heart and root teacher, and was shuso (head student) in 2009.  In December, 2010 Darlene gave her Dharma Transmission. In 2009 Cynthia graduated from the Shokagu Zen Institute, a three year Zen seminary training program. 

She is the founding member of the Wild Geese Sangha, a group that has met for over 8 years.  She leads the Upstairs Sangha, a study group (both of which meet at her home zendo), and co-leads the Women’s Meditation & Recovery Sangha which meets monthly at HSZC.

Saturdays we offer our reduced morning schedule, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30 am. Zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 am. A dharma talk at 10:15 am followed by tea and cookies.

Please join us for whatever part(s) of the program you are able.

9 March; Guest Speaker – Ko Shin, Steven Tierney

GandharaBodhisattvaKo Shin Steven Tierney, Ed.D. CAS is Professor of Counseling Psychology and Chair of the Community Mental Health Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. A certified addiction specialist, he is the Co-Founder of the San Francisco Mindfulness Foundation, providing relapse prevention and mindfulness-based services to individuals and families. Steven has been studying and practicing Buddhism for more than 20 years.

On January 9, 2013 Ko Shin ordained as a Soto Zen priest by Dairyu Michael Wenger.

Every Saturday we offer our reduced morning schedule, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30 am. Zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 am. A dharma talk at 10:15 am followed by tea and cookies.

Please join us for whatever part(s) of the program you are able.

2 March 2013: Full Moon Ceremony

fllmnWe’ll have the monthly Full-Moon Ceremony renewal of our Bodhisattva vows Saturday morning after the dharma talk.

The ceremony takes about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous.

Everyone is welcome to take part in this celebration.

23 February 2013, 11:00AM; JUKAI – lay initiation

pinestitch One of our dear and beloved Sangha members and former Hartford Street residents, Nicholas will have a Jukai (lay initiation) ceremony immediately following the Saturday morning Dharma talk and Saturday program. This public ceremony is to celebrate and formally mark a practitioner receiving the sixteen Bodhisattva precepts (3 refuges, 3 pure precepts, 10 essential precepts) and vowing to work to live their life in accordance with these precepts. Please join us for this wonderful event to celebrate Nicholas’ vows, renew our own and congratulate Nicholas and all on the Soto Zen path!