Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 4/25 – Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and frequent consultant to mental health and recovery programs, as well as group facilitator for our Issan-ji Sangha (community of practitioners). We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow at 9:45. Everyone is welcome!

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. The link is:

Guest Speaker (Zoom Sangha): Sat. 3/28 – Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and frequent consultant to mental health and recovery programs, as well as group facilitator for our Issan-ji Sangha (community of practitioners). We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow at 10. Everyone is welcome!

You may join the Zoom meeting for meditation any time starting at 9 a.m. The link is:

Saturday Sangha Online Program

In light of the restrictions on in-person gatherings, we invite everyone to join for an online program (via video conferencing app Zoom) to substitute for our normal Saturday schedule so we may maintain our practice in community until we can meet once again at our temple. We will be doing this every Saturday through May 2nd. Join us on Zoom for zazen at 9:30 a.m. followed by a talk at 10 a.m.

Just follow this link, which will help you set up a free account and download the Zoom app, if you haven’t already done so, and join the meeting starting at 9 a.m.:

Meeting ID: 167 153 141

May all beings be happy, may they be well and live in safety, free from danger, want and care 🙏

NOTICE – Temporary Temple Closure

Due to the prevailing public health situation, One Mountain Temple (Issan-ji) is suspending all public events until safety concerns have subsided. This regrettable step is in line with the efforts being made by reasonable parties to “flatten the curve”, i.e. to prevent the pace of infection by the Covid19 virus from outstripping available healthcare resources. Our residential practice will continue without interruption as much as possible. Any updates to our circumstances will be posted to our website.

Please know that our concern extends beyond our immediate congregation, to
include our neighbors, family members, distant friends and relatives, and,
inevitably, all sentient beings.

May all beings be happy, may they be well, and may they live in safety, free from danger, want and care.