Monday 13 Feb.: No A.M. Zendo Schedule

Due to the special GBS/HSZC event with Ven. Robina Courtin this Sunday evening, we’ll have a work period Monday morning in place of our usual periods of zazen (seated meditation) and chanting, beginning at 7 a.m., to restore the meditation hall to its traditional configuration. We’ll resume the standard schedule Monday evening with the 6 p.m. period of zazen. Our thanks to everyone who has been contributing in any way to this event!

Guest Speaker, Sat. 28 Jan.: Rev. Cynthia Kear

Please join us this Saturday morning for a Dharma talk by Rev. Cynthia Kear. Cynthia  received Jukai from SFZC Abbot Paul Haller in 2004. In 2008 she was given Shukke Tokudo (priest ordination) by Darlene Cohen, her heart and root teacher, and was shuso (head student) in 2009.  In December, 2010 Darlene gave her Dharma Transmission. In 2009 Cynthia graduated from the Shokagu Zen Institute, a three year Zen seminary training program.  She is the founding member of the Wild Geese Sangha, a group that has met for over 8 years.  She leads the Upstairs Sangha, a study group (both of which meet at her home zendo), and co-leads the Women’s Meditation & Recovery Sangha which meets monthly at HSZC.

Zazen (seated meditation) is at 9:25 as usual, with the talk at 10:15, and refreshments afterwards. Everyone is welcome.


Retreat Morning and Full-Moon Ceremony: Sat. 4 February

Our retreat for the month of February will begin at 6:00 a.m., and conclude by noon with the monthly ceremony of renewal of our Bodhisattva Vows. Refreshments for all will follow. The day will feature periods of sitting (zazen) and walking (kinhin), a Dharma talk at 10:15 a.m., and morning chanting service as well as some brief temple cleaning (soji). Our style is quite mild, so no one needs to fear that the day will be too difficult, and retreats such as we have at Hartford Street provide a great opportunity just to settle more deeply and quietly into our practice of Buddha’s Way. A simple breakfast will be served, but to join the meal you must sign-up ahead-of-time, either by sending email to, or leaving a phone message at (415) 863-2507. We are asking for a donation of $15 from non-members, and $10 from members, but no one will be turned away because of lack of funds.


MLK Holiday: Mon. 16 Jan.


Our zendo (meditation hall) will be closed in honor of the national holiday commemorating the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this coming Monday. The regular schedule resumes with 6 a.m. zazen (seated meditation) Tuesday morning, the 17th.

Light Breaks Out: Retreat Ends 2011

Our retreat vessel opened into the wide world last Sunday afternoon (11 Dec.), letting out the light we’d been gathering the previous four days. It was a wonderful time of quiet togetherness for all, including the one with four legs and a (short) tail. Our deep thanks to all participants and supporters, whether near or far. Please join us again as soon as you can.


ALERT! Revised Retreat Schedule…

Ok, sorry, but… the Practice Leader is kind of a doofus, and posted last year’s schedule by mistake. However, all has been made right, and now this link will take you to the corrected schedule for the current retreat. Y’all come! (Except for meals… heh…)