Sangha Hour, Wednesdays 10:30am – 11:30am

Please join us for Sangha Hour (hosted by Jim S.) weekly each Wednesday between 10:30am – 11:30am in our temple’s living room.

This is an open house format to welcome anyone who has never been to Hartford Street Zen Center, past members, future members and our currently active Sangha members.

Sangha Hour is ideal for questions, exploring Buddhism, connecting, reconnecting, or just an hour of time in a social setting for those who want to enrich their current Sangha life.

Coffee and refreshments will be offered.

*This is a new program we’re trying out and so your thoughts, comments and participation are welcome and encouraged

Early Sitting and Founder’s Memorial: Sat. 5 Nov.

We’ll start sitting earlier than usual this coming Saturday. There will be two periods of zazen (seated meditation) beginning at 5:30 a.m., with a period of kinhin (walking meditation) in between at 6:10 a.m., and morning chanting following at 7:00. You may think, “Oh, that’s too early for me”, but you should give it a try, and you can always nap later. Also, we’ll serve a simple breakfast to participants, but you MUST sign up ahead-of-time, either via email at, or by phone at (415) 863-2507.The rest of the Saturday schedule will be according to custom, with another period of sitting at 9:25 and the Dharma talk at 10:15 a.m., followed by a brief ceremony of commemoration of the death of our founder, Rev. Issan Dorsey. Afterwards, there will be fistfuls of cookies for your enjoyment! Everyone is welcome…

Full-Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony: Tues. 13 Sept.

We’ll have the monthly Full-Moon Ceremony renewal of our Bodhisattva vows right after the 6:00 p.m. period of evening zazen, on the above date. The ceremony takes about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous. Everyone is welcome to take part in this celebration of the Bodhisattva Way.

Guest Speaker, Saturday 25 June: Laurie Senauke

Come and join us this Saturday, June 25, for a Dharma talk by Laurie Senauke, a long-time practitioner from the Berkeley Zen Center. A warm and engaging speaker, Laurie has received Lay Entrustment from Abbot Sojun Mel Weitsman, in addition to being a wife and mother. We’ll have zazen at 9:25, with the talk following at 10:15, and then a vegetarian potluck celebrating Pride weekend afterwards. Please bring something healthy and preferably vegan to share with everyone.

SF Suicide Prevention Workshop, Tues. June 28, 4-5:30pm

San Francisco Suicide Prevention

Hartford Street Zen Center will host a Suicide Prevention Workshop on Tues. June 28 from 4:00 – 5:30pm. The workshop is organized in partnership with San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is open to all sangha members.

The workshop is focused on identifying the anxiety and depression that may sometimes lead to suicide as well as developing the communication skills and crisis-intervention techniques necessary to help someone at risk of committing suicide. If you are unable to attend, please visit How to Help Someone on the website.

Please share/like this announcement with your friends and colleagues,

and please RSVP on the workshop’s Facebook event page.

Note: evening zazen will follow the workshop at 6:00pm.