We would like to make mention that the recent holiday of the following events are in near future or have recently passed.

Equinox Ceremony (Higan-e) – This week-long ceremony takes place on the spring and fall equinoxes, the middle of an important week when the weather is usually very good.
Higan is the teaching that leads people from the world of delusion to the world of awakening. There are six components of this teaching: giving, precepts, perseverance, diligence, zazen, and wisdom. It is taught that if we carry out these practices we will be blessed with happiness and good fortune.
Mahapajapati -This week many temples also observe the contributions in reverence and gratitude of Buddhism’s first Buddhist nun and adoptive mother of the person who would awaken (the Buddha) Mahapajapati. It s memorialized often with an annual Buddhist ceremony held to honor Mahapajapati Gotami, the Buddha’s maternal aunt and foster mother, and the first Buddhist nun, often celebrated in March. It commemorates her request to be ordained and her role in establishing the order of Buddhist nuns.
In recent past: Nirvana Ceremony, Commemorating the Buddha’s Death (Nehan-e) February 15th
And in the near future as well Flower Festival (Hana-matsuri) April 8th – Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday is celebrated on April 8th
He was born 2500 years ago to King Suddhodana and Queen Maya in the garden of Lumbini which was located in Kapilavastu, a small kingdom in the Himalayan foothills. He was called Siddhartha and later, Shakyamuni Buddha.
Temple rememberances and expressions of gratitude – Also a reminder each 6th of the month or as near as we can mange we remember Rev. Issan Dorsey our temple founder/first abbot and remember the third abbot Rev. Philip Whalen of beat poet fame each monthly routine of around the 26th.