Winter Light Retreat details

As we navigate the ongoing pandemic, within the Issan-ji temple walls the Hartford Street Zen Center Winter Light Retreat Sesshin will begin for fully vaccinated +2 weeks or online on Friday, December 3rd, including the Rohatsu celebration/ceremony; and concludes on Sunday, December 5th, mid-day. Thursday the 2nd of December evening there will be an orientation as well.

We offer this schedule to join and are sharing the full routine schedule you’ve known in the past and some suggestions for creating your at home sacred Zendo and Buddha hall space. You can apply more retreat time, self directed, using our usual schedule, or follow our in-temple retreat schedule for 2021 and in both cases please join us online when Issan-ji resident students and priests log on. And for locals who are fully vaccinated in-person is an option.

As always, the Hartford Street Zen Center relies on both your participation, but also your generous donations. We know we aren’t providing food this year to the community, but we still humbly request your generosity for this annual event.

Suggested Virtual Attendance is $40 per day – or – an amount of your own choosing

Login links for virtual attendance:
Thursday night instruction 7:30pm through 8:30pm– click here

Friday, Saturday 6am through 7am Service/Chanting –  click here

Friday, Saturday 10:15am through 11:50 am Chanting –  click here DHARMA TALKS at 10:30am

*Friday, Saturday 6pm through 8:30pm Refuges–  click here

Sunday 6am through 12 noon (6am-7am service, 10:15am to 11:40am preparation and then Bodhi day ceremony, but zoom open whole entire 6am to noon time slot) – click here

Chant book pages for Service/Chanting here

27 November Guest Speaker – Rev. Daigan Gaither

Please join us for a way seeking mind talk offered by  Rev. Daigan Gaither.

Daigan began Buddhist practice in 1995 as a Vipassana practitioner, and began to study Zen in 2003 with Ryushin Paul Haller. He received Lay Ordination in 2006 and Priest Ordination in 2011. His work and practice include many hours devoted to community service as one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (since 1995) and a volunteer caregiver with Zen Hospice Project (since 2003). He has spoken nationwide on sex, sexuality, queer identity, and gender and has sat on a number of boards of community organizations serving marginalized communities. He has lectured at colleges as well as conferences and is featured in Sex, Sin and Zen by Brad Warner.

Join us for zazen (seated meditation), with the talk to follow, we offer in-person distanced attendance for those vaccinated fully + 2 weeks; We also will continue to offer a Zoom web conferencing for video and/or audio presence for the scheduled events. 9:30 zazen (you can log into the conference starting at 9am to socialize) for 40 minutes and a Dharma talk at 10:25am, followed by Q&A as well as an opportunity to check in and see how you are doing. Please click here to be routed to our Zoom gathering.

Thanksgiving Day

Lydia Maria Child

Over the river, and through the wood,
  To grandfather’s house we go;
       The horse knows the way
       To carry the sleigh
  Through the white and drifted snow.

Over the river, and through the wood—
  Oh, how the wind does blow!
       It stings the toes
       And bites the nose
  As over the ground we go.

Over the river, and through the wood,
  To have a first-rate play.
       Hear the bells ring
  Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!

Over the river, and through the wood
  Trot fast, my dapple-gray!
       Spring over the ground,
       Like a hunting-hound!
  For this is Thanksgiving Day.

Over the river, and through the wood,
  And straight through the barn-yard gate.
       We seem to go
       Extremely slow,—
  It is so hard to wait!

Over the river and through the wood—
  Now grandmother’s cap I spy!
       Hurrah for the fun!
       Is the pudding done?
  Hurrah for the pumpkin-pie!

Happy Halloween!

Please have a safe and enjoyable holiday. In the USA we tend to pair the Sejiki ceremony (unlike the timing in Japan) with this holiday, for Issan-ji temple this year we will feed the hungry ghosts at a future date. Please have a spooky good time this weekend and join us as often as possible.

Here is a fun video on the history of Halloween and its evolution and sources that became the holiday we know today.

Schedule your time! Dec 2nd thru Dec 5 2021

Save the date; Arrange the time off from daily home, work and market life:

evening of December 
2nd through December 5th mid-day

For the 2021 retreat we will be offering a hybrid of the 2020 Winter Light Retreat which was reduced sittings for zoom attendance (with a provided guide and full schedule to build the full retreat and home zendo space, at home), combined with in person attendance – for fully vaccinated individuals- and more sittings.

We will have zoom presence for remote attendance similar to last year. We are finalizing the schedule and offerings that will be included. We will communicate more details and your options and ways to join by mid-November 2021.

We hope you will join us for this rare annual event to remove yourself from daily life and get a more robust and deep practice opportunity.

Stay tuned in email for another announcement in a few weeks and on or our facebook page for more info. 

Suggested Attendance is $40 per day – or – an amount of your own choosing, or you can afford.

Guest Speaker: Sat. 10/16 –Rev. Peter Van Der Sterre

Peter was ordained by Richard Baker in 1975 and practiced at Zen Center in San Francisco, Tassajara and Green Gulch, returning to the market place in 1983 to establish a construction company and support his family. Prior to his arrival at Zen Center in 1972, he was practicing the solitary path of unguided meditation and rough carpentry in Zuni, New Mexico, Boston, Massachusetts, and Custer, South Dakota. He joined the Everyday Zen Community in 2001, and was the first Bay Area Shuso.

Since receiving transmission from Norman in 2011, He has been exploring the challenges and opportunities that poses, with the intention to extend his practice and support to others.

A few years ago he discovered an old Basque boarding house in the old North End of Boise, Idaho. He renovated one of the existing units and extended the new space up into the attic level, which required the removal of the roof and sagging rafters and reinforcing the existing structure. The new attic Zendo and guest space is light and warm, with a view to the south which includes several old church spires and part of the city center. Boise has several Buddhist groups, and he has connected with the Floating Cloud Sangha, who now have a place to meet, study and hold half day sittings, called The 7th Street Zendo. They can be located on the web at

In San Francisco, located less than three blocks from Zen Center, he and others created The Oak Street Zendo, which offers a daily morning schedule, as well as classes and half day sittings on a semi regular basis, since it’s dedication in January 2015.  The power and engagement of group sitting and study has formed the core of his activity, both within and without the Everyday Zen practice calendar. On the web, they are located at

Join us for zazen (seated meditation), with the talk to follow, we offer in-person distanced attendance for those vaccinated fully + 2 weeks; We also will continue to offer a Zoom web conferencing for video and/or audio presence for the scheduled events. 9:30 zazen (you can log into the conference starting at 9am to socialize) for 40 minutes and a Dharma talk at 10:25am, followed by Q&A as well as an opportunity to check in and see how you are doing. Please click here to be routed to our Zoom gathering.