Guest Speaker – Sat. 9/27: Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a psychotherapist and frequent consultant to 12-step programs, as well as group facilitator for our Issan-ji Sangha (community of practitioners). We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow, and afterwards tea and cookies will be on offer in the living room. Everyone is welcome!

Zen and Poems: a talk on Mitsuo Aida’s poetry by Koki Takei – Sat. 9/14, 10:15am

After practicing at Sojiji temple, Koki Takei studied Buddhism and Zen as a trainee of the Education and Dissemination Division of the Center for Soto Zen Studies in Tokyo. He is researching about dissemination work using the poems of Japanese poet and Zen student Mitsuo Aida. Takei has deeply studied Aida, whose poetry is very simple with unique handwriting. This talk will focus on Aida’s work.

Holiday Closure: Labor Day

We’ll observe the national Labor Day holiday tomorrow, Monday 2 September. Our usual schedule will be suspended until the 6:30am period of meditation on Tuesday 3 September. Have a good holiday, and please remember to honor labor.

Guest Speaker: Rev. Lien Shutt

Saturday 24 August

Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt is a Dharma Heir of Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Born into a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she began her meditation practice in the Insight tradition of Spirit Rock. She is a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998. Her Soto Zen training began at Tassajara monastery where she lived from 2002-2005, after which she practiced monastically in Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. Based at San Francisco Zen Center, Liên also teaches at East Bay Meditation Center and other Bay Area groups.


Please join us for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 a.m., with the talk to follow. Afterwards there will be tea-and-cookies and discussion in the living room. Everyone is welcome.

Dharma Talk: Rev. Renshin Bunce, Saturday 10 August
This week the Dharma talk will be given by Rev. Renshin. Trained at San Francisco Zen Center, she is currently working as a chaplain here in the Bay Area. Please join us for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25, with the talk to follow directly at 10:15. Tea and cookies will be served in the living room afterwards. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Speaker, Saturday 27 July, 10:15 a.m.
Rev. Tim Wicks

Please join us for a Dharma talk by Rev. Tim, priest-ordained in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki-rōshi, and who is a longtime leader in the Bay Area Recovery community, as well as a skilled instructor in the practice of sewing Buddhist Dharma robes. We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow, and afterwards tea and cookies will be on offer in the living room. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Speaker, Saturday 25 May: Keiryu Liên Shutt

Rev. Liên is a Dharma Heir of Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Born into a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she began her meditation practice in the Insight tradition of Spirit Rock. She is a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998. Her Soto Zen training began at Tassajara monastery where she lived from 2002-2005, after which she practiced monastically in Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. Based at San Francisco Zen Center, Liên also teaches at East Bay Meditation Center and other Bay Area groups.

Please join us for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 a.m., with the talk to follow. Afterwards there will be tea-and-cookies and discussion in the living room. Everyone is welcome.