Guest Speaker: Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us this Saturday, 15 December, for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a clinical psychologist and frequent consultant to 12-step programs, as well as group facilitator for the Issan-ji community. We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow, and afterwards tea and cookies will be on offer in the living room. Everyone is welcome!

Buddha’s Enlightenment Day – Saturday 8 December

Come celebrate the enlightenment of Shakyamuni Buddha with us! We’ll start with our usual period of zazen (seated meditation) at 6:30 a.m., and continue with chanting, break-fast, a Dharma talk, more zazen, and finally a ceremony commemorating the Enlightenment at noon, with special refreshments to follow. Everyone is welcome! There’s no charge, but donations are greatly needed and much appreciated.

Holiday Closures…

November 2018: 22nd & 23rd;

December 2018: 10th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th;

January 2019: 1st, 2nd

We’ll take a break from our stalwart zendo practice on the days noted above, so stay home by the fire and do some cozy sitting there, just for fun. Watch for a notice about our traditional New Year’s Eve event, which will start on December 31 at about 7:30 p.m. NOTE: If you attend one of the other groups that meet here independently of the usual zendo schedule, check with them to find out if they will hold their regular get-togethers. Have happy and safe holidays, everyone!

Annual Retreat: Winter Light

We are very sad to have to report that the annual retreat has been canceled due to insufficient sign-ups. We deeply apologize to anyone who is inconvenienced as a result. We’ll try again next year…

Soon it will be time for our annual meditation retreat, or sesshin

Veteran’s Day Holiday: Zendo Closed


We’ll continue our custom of observing the national holidays by closing the zendo (meditation hall) all day Monday, 12 November. Our regular schedule of zazen (seated meditation) will resume Tuesday morning, 13 November, at 6:30 a.m.

Guest Speaker, 3 November: Jamie Howell

Please join us for a talk by Jamie, who has received Lay-Entrustment from Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger. In addition to being a long-time Zen practitioner, Rev. Jamie is real-estate expert and an enthusiastic soccer coach. Everyone is welcome to attend. There’ll be zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25 a.m., with the talk to follow at 10:15 after a short break. Afterwards there will be tea and cookies in the living room. A great Saturday morning!

Hallowe’en/Samhain Closure

In the spirit of the season, our zendō will be CLOSED the evening of Wednesday, 31 October (Hallowe’en), and the morning of Thursday, 1 November (Feast of All Saints). We’ll resume our regular schedule of zazen and chanting at 6pm on Thursday. Have a safe and enjoyable Samhain (pron. SO-en), everyone!

Guest Speaker: Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us on Saturday 27 October for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a clinical psychologist and frequent consultant to 12-step programs, as well as group facilitator for the Issan-ji community. We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow at 10:15, and afterwards tea and cookies will be on offer in the living room. Everyone is welcome!