Guest Speaker, Sat. 13 April: Rev. Steven Tierney

Please join us for a Dharma talk by Rev. Steven, priest-ordained by Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, and who is a psychotherapist and frequent consultant to 12-step programs, as well as group facilitator for our Issan-ji Sangha (community of practitioners). We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) as usual at 9:25, with the talk to follow at 10:15, and afterwards tea and cookies will be on offer in the living room. Everyone is welcome!

Buddha’s Parinirvana – Sat. 23 February


We will have a simple ceremony commemorating the death of Śākyamuni Buddha this coming Saturday, following the 9:25 a.m. period of zazen and a Dharma talk at 10:15. Tea and cookies in the living room afterwards, as usual. Everyone is welcome!

Guest Speaker: Saturday, 16 February

Please join us this Saturday at 10:15 a.m. for a Dharma talk by Rev. Ryuei Michael McCormick, who was ordained to the Nichiren-shū (Lotus Sutra School) ministry in 2001 by Rev. Ryusho Matsuda, of the San Jose Nichiren Temple. Rev. McCormick is also a long-time practitioner of zazen (seated meditation) and a student of the writings of Dōgen-zenji. We’ll have zazen at 9:25 as usual, and our beloved tea-and-cookies afterwards. Everyone is welcome.

Guest Speaker: Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt

Come hear a Dharma talk at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, 2 February by Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt, a Dharma Heir of the late Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Born into a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she began her meditation practice in the Insight tradition of Spirit Rock. She is a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998. Her Soto Zen training began at Tassajara monastery where she lived from 2002-2005; after which, she practiced monastically in Japan and Vietnam. Based at San Francisco Zen Center, Liên also teaches at East Bay Meditation Center and other Bay Area groups.
Please join us for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 a.m., with the talk to follow. Afterwards there will be tea-and-cookies and discussion in the living room. Everyone is welcome.

Guest Speaker, 26 January: Rev. Kokyo Henckel

Please join us this coming Saturday for a Dharma talk by Rev. Kokyo. In addition to practicing in Southeast Asia and Japan, he was also formerly Head Monk at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. Rev. Kokyo is presently guiding teacher at Santa Cruz Zen Center. Zazen (seated meditation) will precede at 9:25 a.m. as usual, and tea-and-cookies will follow the talk. Everyone is welcome.

MLK Holiday: Zendo Closed

We’ll observe the annual memorial for Dr. King on Monday, 21 January, so there won’t be the regular periods of zazen (seated meditation). Please join us again Tuesday, 22 January, beginning at 6:30 a.m., as usual.

Birthday of Eihei Dogen-zenji

We’ll celebrate Dogen-zenji’s 819th birthday this Saturday, 12 January, beginning with zazen (seated meditation) at 6:30 a.m., continuing with semi-formal breakfast, and continuing with zazen at 9:25, followed by the regular 10:15 a.m. Saturday Dharma talk. We’ll sit together again after the Dharma talk, and at noon we’ll have a short ceremony commemorating Dogen’s birthday. And, there’ll be birthday cake to share afterwards! Everyone is welcome to attend, but if you’d like to join us for breakfast, it would help if you’d let us know, either by telephone message at 415-863-2507, or email to Thank you!