Way-Seeking Mind Talk – Saturday, April 21st 10:15am

This Saturday’s dharma talk will be a Way-Seeking Mind talk given by one of the members of our community.

A Way-Seeking Mind talk is an opportunity for anyone in the sangha to tell their story of how their life led them to the Buddhist path, what practice has taught them, and how they experience the Dharma, in and open-ended format which is often relatable, funny, moving, and inspiring. Everyone, especially newcomers, are welcome to attend, and there will be tea and cookies after the talk as usual.

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Jeremy D. Sher, M.Div. – February 3rd

Rabbi Jeremy Sher, M.Div.From Organic Torah:

Rabbi Sher, a Jewish Renewal rabbi, serves as congregational rabbi for Ha-Emek: Honest, Inclusive, Progressive Judaism in Silicon Valley.  Rabbi Jeremy works full-time as a chaplain at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute and University of California San Francisco Medical Center.  An experienced nonprofit leader and a veteran of eight boards, he is the author of Growth through Governance: What Every Jewish Nonprofit Leader Needs to Know. He received his M.Div. degree from Harvard Divinity School, where he was Ministry Fellow and Harry Austryn Wolfson Fellow in Jewish Studies, and received the prestigious Frederick Sheldon Traveling Fellowship to spend a year of field study in Israel.  In 2016 he was ordained by his longtime teacher, Rabbi Natan Margalit. Prior to entering this field, he worked as the CEO for a software company.

For details, see the Saturday schedule

Winter Light Retreat – Dec. 6-10

Our annual Winter Light Retreat will begin the evening of Wednesday, December 6th and conclude on Sunday the 10th. Everyone is welcome to join for meditation and services, but if you expect to join for meals (suggested donation $30 per day; no one turned away due to lack of funds), please call (415) 863-2507, email info@hszc.org, or sign up on the sheet in the living room. Help with meal preparation is also greatly appreciated, so if you are interested you may contact Rev. David at daikotanzen@gmail.com. The schedule for the retreat may be previewed here, but bear in mind that there may need to be occasional adjustments.

Guest Speaker: Jamie Howell

Please join us for a talk by Jamie, who has received Lay-Entrustment from Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger. In addition to being a long-time Zen practitioner, Rev. Jamie is real-estate expert and an enthusiastic soccer coach. There’ll be zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 a.m., with the talk to follow, and then tea and cookies will be served in the living room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Guest Speaker Sat. August 5 – Rabbi Jeremy D. Sher, M.Div.

Rabbi Jeremy Sher, M.Div.From Organic Torah:

Rabbi Sher, a Jewish Renewal rabbi, serves as congregational rabbi for Ha-Emek: Honest, Inclusive, Progressive Judaism in Silicon Valley.  Rabbi Jeremy works full-time as a chaplain at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute and University of California San Francisco Medical Center.  An experienced nonprofit leader and a veteran of eight boards, he is the author of Growth through Governance: What Every Jewish Nonprofit Leader Needs to Know. He received his M.Div. degree from Harvard Divinity School, where he was Ministry Fellow and Harry Austryn Wolfson Fellow in Jewish Studies, and received the prestigious Frederick Sheldon Traveling Fellowship to spend a year of field study in Israel.  In 2016 he was ordained by his longtime teacher, Rabbi Natan Margalit. Prior to entering this field, he worked as the CEO for a software company.

For details, see the Saturday schedule

Guest Speaker, Sat. July 29 – Rev. Shosan Victoria Austin

Rev. Shosan Victoria AustinFrom SFZC:

Shosan Victoria Austin began practicing both Zen and yoga in 1971. In the Soto Zen tradition, she is entrusted as a Dharma heir in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki, an international priest of the Soto School, and a Dharma teacher at San Francisco Zen Center. She trained in the U.S., in India, and in Japan. In the Iyengar tradition, she is certified as an Intermediate teacher.

In addition to working with the yogic needs of meditation students around the country, in diverse settings including workplaces, institutions, and homes, Victoria teaches public yoga classes at San Francisco Zen Center and the Abode of Iyengar Yoga, ethics and teacher training at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco’s Teacher Training Program, and serves as an assessor of the next generation of Iyengar yoga teachers.

She trains regularly with senior yoga and Zen teachers, including Sojun Mel Weitsman, Manouso Manos, and the Iyengar family. Victoria’s practice goal is to wake up in a way that benefits beings. Her teaching goals include transmitting Zen Buddhism as a yogic path and Yoga as a path of awareness. Keeping faith with each tradition, she offers classes and workshops accessible to a wide variety of abilities and circumstances.

Her website is victoriaaustin.org. See our Saturday schedule for more details.

Our Podcast is Back!

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Our weekly dharma talks are back in the iTunes store, and are also now available on Google Play and Stitcher! So whichever way you prefer to get your podcasts, you will be able to receive the dharma from our temple automatically every week.