10, 15 & 24 of November – Dharma talks by Rev Daiko Tanzen, David Bullock

tPlease join us November 10th or 24th for 7pm evening  talks by our very own Rev. Daiko Tanzen, David Bullock; Our current study period Shuso. David is our current connection to the early days of Hartford Street’s Zen Center founding, caretaker of the garden, current Board President and many other capacities past and present of HSZC (as well as the past Maitri); and he was ordained by the temple’s founder – Rev. Issan Dorsey.

Please also join us for his talk on the upcoming Saturday, November 15th at 10:15am.  Please join us for these wonderful events and feel free again to take advantage of the extra practice offerings during our Practice period (click here for schedule).

Oct 25 through Dec 7th 2014 – Fall Study Period!

512px-Maple_leaf_structureclick here for further details and schedule
Periods of focused practice are an ancient and vital part of Buddhist, and especially Zen, tradition. During the Study Period and Winterlight Retreat we will have an opportunity to focus on meditation and inner reflection, deepening our practice of the Buddha Way together.

Modeled on the traditional 90 Day Ango (Practice Period) the Study Period will include opportunities for private interviews with  Rev. Myo (dokusan), lectures and special ceremonies, as well as semi-formal meals (oryoki style), teas, and additional periods of meditation.

If interested please begin a dialogue with us by emailing hszc108@yahoo.com to discuss what days and times you can commit to, and we very much look forward to this practice opportunity with you!


Sat. 6 September: Full Moon Ceremony & Annual Issan Memorial

This upcoming Saturday we will have our normal Saturday program with a Dharma talk at 10:15am provided by our Abbot, Rev Myo Lahey, followed by two short ceremonies commencing roughly at 11am.

buddhajayanti-11We will conduct a slightly compressed monthly renewal of our Bodhisattva vows, AKA full moon ceremony for the Full Corn or Full Harvest Moon, of September.

We will also observe, memorialize and celebrate the life of Rev Issan Dorsey and pay thanks to his many community and Dharma gifts. The first Abbot and founder for 57 Hartford Street as a Zen Center, as well as one of the visionaries, that with many people’s generosity and hard work, realized Maitri AIDS hospice.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation) at 6:30am, morning service, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a dharma talk at 10:15am followed by ceremony when applicable and then right to social time, tea and cookies. Please join us!


Study hour is moving on to a new text!

We are scheduled to conclude on July 31, 2014 The book of serenity

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The next book scheduled is the Vimalakīrti Sūtra, also called Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra,  a Mahāyāna Buddhist sūtra. It dates from no later than the 3rd century ce, based on its earliest Chinese translations, and most likely from the 1st or 2nd centuries ce.

In the sūtra the layman and householder Vimalakīrti, who is also, significantly, a model bodhisattva, instructs deities, learned Buddhist arahants, and lay people in all matters concerning the nature of enlightenment and Buddhist truth.

There are multiple translations, we may focus a bit on the Dr Robert Thurman version, but welcome any version to compare the translations.

We can share books for anyone who wants to join in, or feel free to purchase a copy and join us (many are very low cost online). Check our twitter page for any changes in schedule.

Happy Independence day (USA’s) on July 4th!

p1953_buddhaflagsOr as we like to joke in Buddhist company, Interdependence day! Although there is an actual day for this day in the Fall that is internationally recognized.

Please continue to have enjoyable and safe holidays and remember HSZC will be closed Friday, July 4, Saturday the 5, and following Sunday as usual, July 6th.