Additional Opportunities to Practice

b8In addition to the regular weekly schedule for Zazen, chanting and service;

Thursdays & Fridays each week: HIV, Supporters, Friends and anyone really sitting group 10:30am for 30 minutes then socializing in garden after.

Thursdays each week at 19:30 – Study Hour: Book of Serenity currently (9 cases left to go!)

Fridays -Meditation in Recovery every week 19:30.

Saturdays slightly altered morning schedule, Zazen Instruction and Dharma talk, Ceremonies when applicable, tea and socializing.

Please join us for our regular schedule as well as any of all these added events and opportunities!

Spring is here & HSZC is closed April 21st!

unnamedThe Christian Holiday of Easter is upon us already this Sunday and so our Monthly Monday holiday influence closure day of April 21st will follow the holiday on April 20th.

This holiday is also in our country in general a celebration of spring and new births for people and for our adorable fellow feather and furry animal friends. Please enjoy this day off with some new born spirit and we will see you Tuesday Morning April 22nd at 6am!

And… Dont forget Rev Myo will provide the lecture at SFZC on April 24th at 7:30pm and tickets are required. Link to tickets and details below. HSZC’s study hour will be cancelled due to this event.

A deep bow of gratitude

1212Unfortunately as 2013 came to an end a fellow dharma brother, Zen Center Abbot and Bodhisattva as his son beautifully wrote yesterday: “…has passed on (Myogen Steve Stücky) early this morning. He was in some pain throughout the night but had beautiful periods of calm and translucence. As I left him about 3 hours before he finally let go he had the most beautiful smile on his face. His pain had stopped and he seemed to be communicating something – a “yes” is what it felt like to me. His smile was truly peaceful and it looked to me almost a secret smile as if he had confirmed something he had long suspected and it filled him with happiness and love and peace. I know all of you cared for him so much. Know that he is most certainly in peace and in your hearts. – James Stücky”

Our hearts and minds of loving support to Abbot Steve’s family, friends and our Dharma Family at SFZC and beyond! To all we wish you a great & prosperous 2014 and the opportunity to be there with those you love and to share our limited existence in love and support in 2014 and beyond. Thank you Abbot Steve.


incnseCONGRATULATIONS Henry & Chris on your receiving of precepts and to all who participated in the Winter Light Sesshin for your concentrated effort in our practice.

Great bows and vows to all!