Saturday October 19, 2013 – Full Moon Ceremony

We’ll have the monthly Full-Moon Ceremony renewal of our Bodhisattva vows Saturday morning after the Dharma talk. According to the Farmer’s full-moon-oct-2012Almanac this is the full hunters moon. The first full moon of fall.

The ceremony takes about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous.

Everyone is welcome to take part in this celebration. And for those interested in a charity walk through SF touring Buddhist temples and centers and helping to feed the hungry at 12:45pm you can join some of us for the walk to feed the Hungry with the Buddhist Global Relief.

An Announcement in the waiting for over a decade!

At 4pm on October 13th 2013 our former Practice Leader ascended the mountain and became our Abbot! A deep bow of congratulations to all of Hartford Street Zen Center Community and to Rev Myo Lahey. We look forward to our years ahead together practicing this ancient, life changing way of Soto Zen.


Earnestly strive to avoid seeking outside, lest you go for astray. I travel on alone now, but everywhere I go I meet it. It is no other than me, but I am not it. Understand in this way to merge with true suchness  – Dongshan

September 14th at 10:15am, Guest Speaker Ayya Santacitta

aysntctaHartford Street is pleased to announce and invite you to a morning with a compassionate trailblazer  in the rebuilding of a lineage of ordained bhikkhunis, Ayya Santacitta.  Stemming originally from the Thai Forest Theravada tradition of Buddhism; the Nuns of Aloka Vihara are very well respected and frequently booked speakers/Dharma (Dhamma) teachers.  They reside currently in a Vihara near Ocean Beach in San Francisco practicing with a vibrant and dedicated Sangha and are working on the intention to found a training monastery for bhikkhunis in a rural setting on the West Coast.

Ayya Santacitta was born in Austria and has practiced meditation since 1988. Her first teacher was Ajahn Buddhadasa, who sparked her interest in Buddhist monastic life. She has trained as a nun in both the East and West since 1993, primarily in the lineage of Ajahn Chah. Since 2002, however she also integrates Dzogchen teachings into her practice.

Ayya Santacitta is co-founder of Aloka Vihara, a training monastery for women in San Francisco, where she has lived since 2009. In 2011, she received bhikkhuni ordination with Ayya Tathaaloka Theri as preceptor. She offers teachings at the vihara, as well as in the wider Bay Area and occasionally other parts of the US, sharing her experience in community as a means for cultivating the heart and opening the mind.

Please join us for this wonderful event and feel free to read more about the Sisters on their website and watch this very touching video about their work & lives!  Because the Nuns as part of their precepts must eat their final main meal of the day by noon Some of our Sangha will formally be offering a meal dana during our simultaneous offerings of tea and cookies.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation), a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30 am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a dharma talk at 10:15 am followed by tea and cookies.

Please join us any Saturday and we hope to see you often and for this special Saturday event!

Join us Saturday Mornings!

d5224898lFor any part of the following: early morning zazen (a little later than weekdays), morning chanting service, introductory or refresher run-down of sitting and zendo forms if of interest at 8:30am, another sitting at 9:25, followed by a Dharma talk from our practice leader Rev Myo Lahey then tea and cookies as we wrap up the Saturday Morning program.

We hope to see you here (@ HSZC)!