Movie night is being moved from routine Sunday of the month for February.
Dec 3rd 2011: Trimming the Tree
We would like to invite everyone to come by and help create ornaments and trim the HSZC winter holiday tree!
The ornament creation is folding origami ornaments painting, adding glitter, hooks and flair to small Buddhas, and other ornament crafts followed by trimming the tree and dedicating the winter holiday (including Buddha’s enlightenment) decor in the spirit of friends and family (chosen and biological) with intent and actions of compassion, love, charity, good will and spreading love to your fellow man or womyn this holiday season!
Where: 57 Hartford Street
When: 6 PM
What do I Bring? Elbow grease, an ornament if you want to loan it for the month, treats if you wish to offload some high calorie holiday treats and most importantly… Holiday Cheer!
Peter Coyote Speaks at GBS Meeting – Sunday, 6 Nov., 3PM
The accomplished actor, Emmy Award-winning narrator, writer, singer, songwriter, guitarist and recently ordained Soto Zen priest Peter Coyote will speak at the next weekly meeting of the Gay Buddhist Sangha at HSZC. Peter Coyote was ordained in the same lineage as our temple, that of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and the San Francisco Zen Center, and we are honored to have him come and share the dharma with us. Everyone is welcome to attend.
iTunes Podcasts of Dharma Talks
We are now podcasting all of our dharma talks and guest speakers for streaming on this website or downloading from iTunes! So be sure to check out the “Podcasts” category to find all of them!
Now, if you tell a friend about a great talk you heard at Hartford Street, you can just direct them to the website and they can hear it, too! No matter where you are in the world, you can stay connected to Issan-ji and listen to these podcasts standing or walking (or jogging!), sitting or lying down, during all one’s waking hours…
New HSZC Flickr Group is Online!
Now, everyone can share their pictures and videos of the temple, events, ceremonies, and gatherings with everyone else in the sangha! All you have to do is add your pictures to the group, and they will show up for everyone to see, including as part of the slideshow on the website.
Be sure to tag the photos with accurate information so they can be searched and sorted (ALL group photos should be tagged “hszc” and “hartford street zen center”). For example, pictures of a celebration of Buddha’s Enlightenment at Issan-ji should be tagged “buddha’s enlightenment”, “event”, and “issanji”, in addition to the basic tags “hszc” and “hartford street zen center”. You can add these tags to many photos at the same time with the “batch edit” tool.
Just click on the link below the slideshow pictures on the left sidebar, and add away! If you don’t have a Flickr account, you can get one for free with 300Mb per month.