Zendo closed today!

MLKWe’ll observe the annual memorial for Dr. King on Monday, 21 January, so there won’t be the regular periods of zazen (seated meditation). Please join us again Tuesday, 22 January, beginning at 6:00 a.m., as usual.

Saturday 1 September: Extended Practice Opportunities

This coming Saturday, we’ll have a 40-minute period of zazen beginning at 8:30am, in place of the Saturday early morning schedule (see link) which ordinarily begins at 6:30am. While there won’t be the 8:30 a.m. instruction period that day, the 9:25 a.m. period of sitting and the 10:15 a.m. Dharma talk will take place as usual. Following the Dharma talk, we’ll celebrate the monthly Full-Moon Bodhisattva ceremony. Every one is welcome to attend, of whatever level of practice experience. Don’t miss this occasion to anchor your weekend firmly in body-and-mind study of the Buddha Way.

NEW Saturday Sangha Check-In Time

Starting this coming Saturday and continuing for at least the next few weeks, we will gather as a sangha after tea-and-cookies time around 11:45 (or later if the dharma talk goes longer) to discuss how things are going with the temple and how people feel about the community and their place in it. This is sort of like a mini-council in which one person speaks at a time and we maintain a mindful and compassionate atmosphere so everyone feels comfortable speaking their mind.

The next few weeks will be a trial run to see if we want to make this a permanent fixture in the schedule, so please come and contribute if you can!