Memorial Day Holiday: Zendo Closed…

MemorialDay1Our Meditation Hall (J. zendo) will be closed all day Monday, 30 May, in observance of the national holiday. The regular schedule of seated meditation (J. zazen) will resume at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 31 May. Have an enjoyable holiday, everyone!

HSZC Sangha Council Meeting – Friday 22 April, 7:30 p.m.

chicirda-council-chamber-t1998-0136 Our Sangha council will meet again this Friday, with facilitation provided by Rev. Dr. Steven Tierney. All Sangha members are invited to attend and bring their concerns for discussion. Any topics brought up in council are considered confidential and are not shared outside of council meetings. Meeting will conclude by 9 p.m.

Morning Sitting and Buddha’s Birthday – Saturday 9 April

baby-Buddha Please join us for our annual celebration of Buddha’s Birthday this coming Saturday. There’ll be zazen (seated meditation) a little earlier than usual for Saturday, at 6:00 a.m., walking meditation at 6:40 a.m., and a shorter sitting at 6:50 a.m. followed by morning chanting at 7:20. A simple breakfast will then be taken semi-formally in our dining room, but please note that you must sign up ahead-of-time if you want breakfast (415-863-2507, There will be the usual period of sitting at 9:25 a.m., and the Dharma talk at 10:15, after which we’ll walk-and-sit until about 11:40, when we’ll have the ceremony of Bathing the Baby Buddha. Then we’ll have refreshments for all upstairs in the living room. Everyone is welcome. Donations are always appreciated and very much needed, but don’t let that stop you from attending if you’re not in a position to donate right now. Happy Buddha’s Birthday to all!