Guest Speaker, Sat. 25 August: Rev. Tova Green

Please come and join us this Saturday for a Dharma talk by Tova Green. Priest-ordained by Green Gulch Farm Abbess Jiko Linda-Ruth Cutts, Tova presently lives at Beginner’s Mind Temple at 300 Page St. and is a former director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. Zazen will precede as always at 9:25, then the talk at 10:15, and the ever-popular tea and cookies will follow. All are  welcome.

Guest Speaker, Sat. 14 Jul.: Rev. Peter van der Sterre

Late-breaking news: Tomorrow’s Dharma talk (10:15 a.m.) will be given by long-time practitioner and priest Peter van der Sterre. Peter knew our founder, Rev. Issan Dorsey, and has been practicing since the 1970’s. He also has received Dharma transmission from former San Francisco Zen Center Abbot Norman Fischer. Please join us for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 before the talk, and stay for tea-and-cookies afterwards. All are welcome.


Early Sitting and Full-Moon Ceremony, Sat. 2 June

We’ll start sitting earlier than usual this coming Saturday. There will be two periods of zazen (seated meditation) beginning at 6:00 a.m., with a period of kinhin (walking meditation) in between at 6:40 a.m., and morning chanting following at 7:20. You may think, “Oh, that’s too early for me”, but you should give it a try, and you can always nap later. Also, we’ll serve a simple breakfast to participants, but you MUST sign up ahead-of-time, either via email at, or by phone at (415) 863-2507.The rest of the Saturday schedule will be according to custom, with another period of sitting at 9:25 and the Dharma talk at 10:15 a.m., followed by the monthly ceremony of celebration of the Bodhisattva Vows. Afterwards, there will be fistfuls of cookies for your enjoyment! Everyone is welcome…

Memorial Day Holiday: Zendo Closure

The Zendo will be closed in observance of the national holiday on Monday, 28 May. Come rejoin our regular sitting schedule beginning Tuesday, 29 May, bright-and-early at 6:00 a.m.

Guest Speaker, Sat. 19 May: Rev. Mark Lancaster

Rev. Mark is a long-time practitioner and a Dharma heir of Rev. Dairyu Michael Wenger, in addition to being an old friend of Hartford Street. Please join us for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25, the talk at 10:15, and tea with discussion afterwards.

Early Zazen, Saturday 5 May

We’ll start sitting earlier than usual this coming Saturday. There will be two periods of zazen (seated meditation) beginning at 6:00 a.m., with a period of kinhin (walking meditation) in between at 6:40 a.m., and morning chanting following at 7:20. You may think, “Oh, that’s too early for me”, but you should give it a try, and you can always nap later. Also, we’ll serve a simple breakfast to participants, but you MUST sign up ahead-of-time, either via email at, or by phone at (415) 863-2507. The rest of the Saturday schedule will be according to custom, with another period of sitting at 9:25 and the Dharma talk at 10:15 a.m., followed by the monthly ceremony of commemoration of the death of our founder, Rev. Issan Dorsey. Afterwards, there will be fistfuls of cookies for your enjoyment! Everyone is welcome…


Retreat Morning: Saturday 3 March

We’ll be sitting together during the morning hours, beginning at 6:00 and ending by noon, when we’ll have cookies and tea together in the living room. The day will feature periods of sitting (zazen) and walking (kinhin), a Dharma talk at 10:15, and morning and noontime chanting services as well as some brief temple cleaning (soji). Our style is quite mild, so no one needs to fear that the day will be too difficult. In fact, retreats such as we have at Hartford Street provide an ideal opportunity just to settle more deeply and quietly into our practice of Buddha’s Way. A simple breakfast will be served, but to join the meal you must sign-up ahead-of-time, either by sending email to, or leaving a phone message at (415) 863-3507. We are asking for a donation of $15 from non-members, and $10 from members, but no one will be turned away because of lack of funds. Everyone is welcome!