Pictures from Pride are now in HSZC’s Flickr group and can be viewed below:
Or click here.
More pictures from Pride can be seen in SFZC’s photo album.
Hartford Street Zen Center | Issan-ji temple
A Sōtō Zen temple for the LGBTQ+ community, friends and allies in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood
Pictures from Pride are now in HSZC’s Flickr group and can be viewed below:
Or click here.
More pictures from Pride can be seen in SFZC’s photo album.
Now, everyone can share their pictures and videos of the temple, events, ceremonies, and gatherings with everyone else in the sangha! All you have to do is add your pictures to the group, and they will show up for everyone to see, including as part of the slideshow on the website.
Be sure to tag the photos with accurate information so they can be searched and sorted (ALL group photos should be tagged “hszc” and “hartford street zen center”). For example, pictures of a celebration of Buddha’s Enlightenment at Issan-ji should be tagged “buddha’s enlightenment”, “event”, and “issanji”, in addition to the basic tags “hszc” and “hartford street zen center”. You can add these tags to many photos at the same time with the “batch edit” tool.
Just click on the link below the slideshow pictures on the left sidebar, and add away! If you don’t have a Flickr account, you can get one for free with 300Mb per month.