July 13th: Guest Speaker – Laura Burges

12360_35Laura Burges is a lay entrusted teacher in the Soto Zen tradition. A teacher of children for 27 years, her work has been featured in the PBS special The Digital Divide and in the book Teach Our Children Well. She is active in bringing mindfulness practices into elementary classrooms. Laura co-founded the Sangha in Recovery program at the San Francisco Zen Center and lectures and leads retreats at different practice centers in Northern California.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation), a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30 am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a dharma talk at 10:15 am followed by tea and cookies.


July 4th’s Pratītyasamutpāda

fireworksThe reason we have a prosperous and “free” society in our United States is not so much about Independence, but Interdependence. Please enjoy your holiday today and remember because of causes we have these conditions. Happy Interdependence day!

We will see you again July 8th @ 6pm have a safe & joyful holiday!

July 4th – 6th: Zendo Closure!

stars-and-stripes-buddhaWe will be taking a small “open to the public” break this Thursday through Saturday.  Picking up our regular public schedule again Monday at 6pm, the 8th of July.

We hope you had a great Pride Celebration weekend, and please have safe and enjoyable celebration of our Country’s Interdependence, whoops we meant Independence!

Seeking LGBTQI and Allies for Parade Contigent

June 30th at roughly 9am: rainbow-eye.jpg.scaled1000The San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) has a parade contingent in every annual Pride March in San Francisco and this year we have even more reason to celebrate! SFZC is always seeking more to join us to represent the compassionate love and support of the Zen community. They always look to and extend this to the HSZC (Hartford Street Zen Center) Sangha to join in and march with them.  If you are available please DO join us.

Happy LGBTQI – Month and weekend festivities and celebrations to all!

Details can be found here!

22 June 2013: Full Moon Ceremony

strawberrymoon-partial-l-eclipseWe’ll have the monthly Full-Moon Ceremony renewal of our Bodhisattva vows Saturday morning after the Dharma talk. According to the Farmer’s Almanac this is the full strawberry moon.

The ceremony takes about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous.

Everyone is welcome to take part in this celebration.