This Satuday the 11th of October, two events!

Please join us this Saturday for (any or all of) two events.

At 7:10am we will have the monthly full moon ceremony (earlier than the usual Saturday ceremony time), renewal of our Bodhisattva vows. The ceremony takesBodhisattva_pb_copy about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous. All are welcome to join in this ceremony/celebration.

At 10:15am,  a talk offered by guest speaker Laura Burges on the main floor of HSZC. Laura is a Soto Zen lay entrusted teacher who lectures and leads retreats at different practice centers in Northern California. A teacher of children for 30 years, she brings mindfulness practice to elementary classrooms. She co-founded the Sangha in Recovery program at San Francisco Zen Center.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation) a bit later at 6:30am, morning service, a brief drop-in or by appointment meditation instruction at 8:30 am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a Dharma talk at 10:15 am (followed by ceremony if applicable) and then socializing, along with tea and cookies.

Schedule for Monday Mornings…


babySloth1 Though ye are not many, ye who join us for morning sitting during the week, those of you who do, please note: We’ve selected the last Monday morning of each month as a time to be closed, with regular sitting resuming at 6 p.m. that evening. Initially, we had tried having this the case for months with no national holiday, but having the same arrangement for each month turns out to be less confusing for people. Thank you always for your ongoing support of our temple and its community.

Study Hour Returns This Thursday!

aThursdays @7:30pm, we study the Vimalakīrti Sūtra, also called Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra. There are multiple translations, we focus a bit on the Dr Robert Thurman version, but welcome any version to compare the translations. We can share books for anyone who wants to join in, or feel free to purchase a copy and join us (many are very low cost online). Check our twitter page for any changes in schedule.

20 September @10:15am – Guest Speaker – Koshin Julia Ten Eyck

Please join us this upcoming Saturday for a guest speaker from within our own HSZC family! Koshin Julia Ten Eyck is a relationship and child welfare thattorney, mediator and ordained Zen priest in San Francisco. Julia has had an active spiritual and meditation practice of one form or another for more than three decades. In 2004, she found Zen practice (or Zen practice found her) and she became a student of Zen and a practicing member of Hartford Street Zen Center.

She received jukai in 2006 and received priest ordination in 2010 with her root teacher, the late Surei Darlene Cohen. Julia is the past president, and still a member, of the Hartford Street Zen Center Board of Directors, and is also a long-time member of the Dharma Lawyers, a group of Buddhist attorneys led by Mary Mocine.  In 2012, she completed three years of Sangha Leadership Training and was granted a certificate of Zen ministry by the Shogaku Zen Institute. She is also a student of yoga, a published writer, and loves to travel, especially to visit her daughter in New York City as often as possible.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation) at 6:30am, morning service, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a dharma talk at 10:15am followed by ceremony when applicable and then right to social time, tea and cookies.

Please join us!

13 September 10:15am – Guest Speaker, Kōnin Cardenas

ky19Please Join us this Saturday  for a Dharma talk offered by Kōnin Cardenas, titled Study of the self: the Big Picture

Kōnin is A nun ordained in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition who began practicing Zen in 1987 and was ordained in 2007, currently working as a Spiritual Care Counselor for Pathways Hospice in the East Bay area (near San Francisco), and the Dorm Manager for the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley. Also the leader of “Dharma en Español,” a Spanish-language Zen study group at San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) and co-chair of the SFZC Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity Committee and an amateur calligrapher and sumi-e painter, occasionally giving classes in sutra copying. During the past 10 years Kōnin has been primarily engaged in Buddhist monastic practice, inter-faith chaplaincy, non-profit development, and volunteer management. In previous roles she served as a finance professional, Kōnin was a Mortgage Banking Subject Matter Expert, educating residential lenders on reinsurance structures, and a Vice President at a boutique investment bank executing middle-market software mergers and acquisitions with an MBA from University of California, Berkeley and the mother of a wonderful 23-year-old woman.

Her long-term vision is to found a women’s residential center that integrates Buddhist study and zazen with community service and socially-engaged leadership training.

Every Saturday we offer early morning zazen (seated meditation), morning service, a brief drop-in meditation instruction at 8:30 am. And again zazen at 9:25 am. We wrap up with a Dharma talk at 10:15 am (followed by ceremony if applicable) and then socializing,  tea and cookies.