Monday – Sept 2nd, Zendo Closure


Please note that the Hartford Street zendo will be closed all day Monday, 2 September, in honor of the Labor Day holiday. Our regular schedule resumes with 6 a.m. zazen on Tuesday, 3 September. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday, everyone!

Thursdays – Study Hour

ocnJoin us this Thursday at 7:30 pm as we study The Book of Serenity as an opportunity to practice together with the Sangha. We read the entirety of text we discuss together. Preparation is encouraged, and so are drop ins!

There are books to share for anyone who wants to join in.

24 August 2013: Full Moon Ceremony 11am

GreenCornMoonWe’ll have the monthly Full-Moon Ceremony renewal of our Bodhisattva vows Saturday morning after the Dharma talk. According to the Farmer’s Almanac this is the full sturgeon, green corn or grain moon.

The ceremony takes about a half-hour and involves some thirty full prostrations, but simple standing bows are also all right if prostrations are too strenuous.

Everyone is welcome to take part in this celebration.

Saturday August 17, 12:30: Sangha Council

220px-Ananda_at_First_CouncilThe Hartford Street Zen Center Sangha Council will occur this Saturday 12:30pm:  We’ve formed council as a forum to continue to talk of, and discuss with each other – and with the sangha at large –  issues, concerns, questions and conflicts which have been challenging –  downright hard  to talk about or never seem to have an appropriate time we are all together to discuss.  We’ll use a practice model of working with each other with the most skillful speech we can access. This is a great opportunity also for those who haven’t been around lately to reengage and be a part of the present and future Hartford Street!

Our next meeting will be on Saturday 12:30pm to 2:30pm, August 17, 2013 for 120 minutes (with a break included).

We’re  continuing this format that is flexible enough for a diversity of needs.  This session will be facilitated by Beata Chapman, a long time member and Board president of the Santa Cruz Zen Center.  She is knowledgeable about many aspects of zen communities.    The scaffold we’ll be working from is based on the Council process developed by the Ojai Foundation.

You do not need to have an ‘issue’ or overt concern to attend.  Council is sangha building, connection and healing.  All are welcome!

If you have questions regarding this, call Peter Goetz at 510.595.1281.  If you’d like a copy of the Ojai Foundation guidelines for Council process, email Peter at