Late Notice: Spirit Rock Retreat with Rev. Myo, Arinna Weisman and Larry Yang

 This retreat (follow link for details) offers a unique opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to be together in spiritual community. It is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.

We will offer extensive practice, with instruction, in both mindfulness (vipassana) and lovingkindess (metta) practice. Mindfulness helps us to see clearly into the truth about ourselves and the conditions in which we live. Lovingkindness (which the Buddha first taught as an antidote to fear) opens the heart and deepens our capacity to hold and accept our lives with compassion, appreciation and a measure of equanimity.

The two practices support and enhance one another. Mind and heart open together so we can more easily hold who we are, the difficult emotions that arise, and the challenges our world presents. We begin to see the difference between what is actually happening and the stories we tell ourselves. You can call it freedom or you can call it learning to meet life fearlessly with an open mind and heart.

Each day is composed of silent sitting, walking, movement and eating meditations, question and answer sessions, and a dharma talk. There will also be time during the retreat to meet with the teachers both in a group and individually. We will conclude by breaking silence together in a closing circle.

It is our wish to support the practice needs of meditators in early adulthood. To this end, Spirit Rock extends a special invitation to young adults (age 18-26) who wish to attend this retreat at a special rate of $15 per night, on a first come, first served basis.