Ceremonies: Tsunami Commemoration, and Full-Moon Ceremony

This Saturday morning, 10 March, we’ll have two ceremonies in which we invite all our Sangha members and friends to participate. Just at the end of the usual 9:25 a.m. period of zazen (silent sitting), we’ll have a brief ceremony in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the devastating tsunami that struck Japan on 11 March, 2011. Then, after our 10:15 a.m. Dharma talk, we’ll celebrate the monthly Full-Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony wherein we renew our commitment to the path of the Bodhisattva Vows. Everyone is invited to join in, to whatever degree is possible. For instance, the Bodhisattva Ceremony involves some thirty-six full prostrations, but one can always do standing bows instead.