iTunes Podcasts of Dharma Talks

We are now podcasting all of our dharma talks and guest speakers for streaming on this website or downloading from iTunes! So be sure to check out the “Podcasts” category to find all of them!

Now, if you tell a friend about a great talk you heard at Hartford Street, you can just direct them to the website and they can hear it, too! No matter where you are in the world, you can stay connected to Issan-ji and listen to these podcasts standing or walking (or jogging!), sitting or lying down, during all one’s waking hours…

One-Man Play About Issan Dorsey in Berlin

Following yesterday’s wonderful talk by Bernd Bender on the social practice of Zen, being yourself, and translating Street Zen into German, we found out that there is a man in Germany who was so inspired by Street Zen that he wrote a one-man play about our founder Issan Dorsey which he performed around the country! If you understand German or are just curious, check out the video below:

Guest Speaker: Bernd Bender – Saturday, July 16th

Great Master Bodhidharma

Saturday the 16th, our guest speaker will be Bernd Bender from the San Francisco Zen Center. Bernd has been a student of Soto Zen since 1984. After moving to San Francisco from Germany, he began his studies at the Zen Center, receiving lay ordination from Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1996. He has lived at all three practice centers, and has translated several Buddhist texts from English to German. Bernd was Shuso (head student) during the City Center Spring Practice Period in 2009. He is inspired by how the simplicity of practice meets the infinite complexity of life. Bernd received Lay Dharma Entrustment from Dairyu Michael Wenger in 2010.

July 4th Weekend – Zendo CLOSED

We’ll be taking a brief vacation the weekend of the July 4th holiday. The zendo (meditation hall) will be closed on Saturday, 2 July, and also on Monday the 4th itself. Our regularly-scheduled activities will resume with 6 a.m. zazen (seated meditation) on Tuesday, 5 July. Have a good and safe holiday, everyone!