Labor Day Holiday: Zendo CLOSED 3, 4, 5 Sept.

The zendo (meditation hall) will be closed both morning and evening on the above-noted days, except for the G.B.S. which will meet as usual. We’ll resume our regular schedule of zazen (seated meditation), chanting service, temple cleaning and ceremonies at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 6. Have a good holiday, everyone!

Full-Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony: Sat. 13 Aug., 11 a.m.

Please join us Saturday morning for the monthly ceremony of renewal of our Bodhisattva vows. Come for zazen (seated meditation) at 9:25 a.m., an edifying (we hope) Dharma talk at 10:15, and the ceremony will follow directly. Full prostrations are traditional, but standing bows are fine, as well. Tea-and-cookies will be served subsequently, as (almost) always. Everyone is welcome!

Early Sitting and Founder’s Memorial: Sat. 6 August

We’ll start sitting earlier than usual this coming Saturday. There will be two periods of zazen (seated meditation) beginning at 5:30 a.m., with a period of kinhin (walking meditation) in between at 6:10 a.m., and morning chanting following at 7:00. You may think, “Oh, that’s too early for me”, but you should give it a try, and you can always nap later. Also, we’ll serve a simple breakfast to participants, but you MUST sign up ahead-of-time, either via email at, or by phone at (415) 863-2507. The rest of the Saturday schedule will be according to the recent changes we made, with another period of sitting at 9:25 and the Dharma talk at 10:15 a.m., followed by a brief ceremony of commemoration of the death of our founder, Rev. Issan Dorsey. Afterwards, there will be fistfuls of cookies for your enjoyment! Everyone is welcome…

Guest Speaker, Saturday, 30 July: Rev. Furyu Nancy Schroeder

blossom buddhaFuryu Nancy Schroeder, a resident at San Francisco Zen Center for
over 30 years, was formerly the Director of Green Gulch Farm, where she lives with her partner and daughter.  Fu has been active in the Marin Interfaith Council for many years and has continued supporting special events for children, people of color, and the LGBTQQI communities. She was ordained in 1986 by Tenshin Reb Anderson, and received Dharma Transmission in 1999.

We’ll have zazen (seated meditation) at the new time of 9:25 a.m.,
with the talk to follow at 10:15, and, as (nearly) always, tea and
cookies afterwards. Everyone is welcome.

iTunes Podcasts of Dharma Talks

We are now podcasting all of our dharma talks and guest speakers for streaming on this website or downloading from iTunes! So be sure to check out the “Podcasts” category to find all of them!

Now, if you tell a friend about a great talk you heard at Hartford Street, you can just direct them to the website and they can hear it, too! No matter where you are in the world, you can stay connected to Issan-ji and listen to these podcasts standing or walking (or jogging!), sitting or lying down, during all one’s waking hours…